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A-Level Sociology Crime and Deviance Revision Bundle
This zip file contains:
Six colour mind maps covering the following topics:
Functionalist and strain theories of deviance
Subcultural theories of deviance
Marxist theories of deviance
The labelling theory of deviance
Right realist theories of crime control
Left realist theories of crime control.
These are in both PDF and PNG format.
Twelve exam practice questions for the crime and deviance section of the AQA’s A-level sociology paper 3:
4 and 6 Mark ‘Outline’ Questions
Outline three ways in which surveillance may be used to control crime in modern societies (6)
Outline three reasons why females are less likely to commit crime than males (6)
Outline three structural factors which may explain differences in offending by ethnicity (6)
Outline three ways in which Racism may manifest itself in the criminal justice system (6)
Outline two ways in which the media give a distorted view of crime (4)
Outline two sociological explanations of state crime (4)
Outline two reasons why people who commit ‘green crimes’ often do not get punished (4)
10 Mark ‘Analyse Using the Item’ Questions
Applying material from item A, analyse two ways in which crime has changed in response to postmodern society (10)
Applying material from item A, analyse two ways reasons for differences in patterns of crime by social class background (10)
Applying material from item A, analyse two reasons why some groups are more likely to be victims of crime than others (10)
30 Mark Essay Questions
Evaluate sociological perspectives on the relationship between globalisation and crime (30)
Evaluate the contribution to an understanding of crime and deviance of right and left realist approaches (30)
Evaluate the Contribution of Consensus Theory to Our Understanding of Crime and Deviance (30)
32 pages of revision notes covering the entire A-level sociology crime and deviance specification
Topics broken down as follows:
Consensus based theories part 1 – Functionalism; Social control’ theory; Strain theory
Consensus based theories part 2 – Sub cultural theories
The Traditional Marxist and Neo-Marxist perspective on crime
Labeling Theory
Left- Realist and Right-Realist Criminology (including situational, environmental and community crime prevention)
Post-Modernism, Late-Modernism and Crime (Social change and crime)
Sociological Perspectives on controlling crime – the role of the community and policing in preventing crime
Sociological Perspectives on Surveillance
Sociological Perspectives on Punishment
Social Class and Crime
Ethnicity and Crime
Gender and crime (including Girl gangs and Rape and domestic violence)
Victimology – Why are some people more likely to be criminals than others
Global crime, State crime and Environmental crime (Green crime)
The Media and Crime, including moral panics
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